
Guruji has emphasized the importance of magnetism on the spiritual path. It is very important for us to develop strong, positive magnetism in all aspects of our lives, the physical, mental, and spiritual. So how does one develop magnetism?

Magnetism 1As Master said, the greater the will, the greater the flow of energy, and this energy is important for us to build magnetism. Keeping our consciousness positive keeps the magnetism strong and positive, and this attracts to us strong and positive things in our lives, which protect us from negative influences.

However, it is also important for us to understand the things we need to avoid, the things which can drain us of our energy, and the strong, positive magnetism which we can build up.

Magnetism 2An important part of keeping our magnetism strong is to seek out strong, magnetic influences in our lives. We need to understand that there is such a thing as negative magnetism which can drain us of our positive magnetism, and so, we need to try to avoid those influences, and actively seek out the positive influences which can help us enhance magnetism. Satsanga and keeping good company, as also affirmations, are important aspects of our lives to be able to do this.

Jai Guru!

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